Weather Policy

Teams will play and practice rain or shine in most cases. Exceptions are as follows:

Outdoor practice MAY be cancelled if the following conditions exist:

  • the temperature is below 40 degrees fahrenheit
  • there are thunderstorms and/or lightening in the area
  • the fields are too wet
  • the heat index is above 100 degrees fahrenheit

Practice cancellation decision will be made by 2:00 pm. Cancellation notification will go out via announcement at Cathedral, email, website post, facebook and twitter.

League game cancellation will be determined by the organization planning the league. If a league game is cancelled, notification will go out via announcement at Cathedral, text, email, website, facebook and twitter.

Tournament game cancellation is determined by the organization planning the tournament. If a tournament game(s) is cancelled, notification will go out via text, email, website, facebook and twitter.